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SEJ's History

The Society of Environmental Journalists was founded in 1990 by a small group of award-winning journalists, including reporters, editors and producers working for The Philadelphia Inquirer, USA Today, Turner Broadcasting, Minnesota Public Radio and National Geographic. Today, SEJ's membership includes more than 1,500 journalists and academics working in every type of news media in the United States, Canada, Mexico and 27 other countries.

SEJ Funding Sources — Support Hard-Hitting Environmental Journalism

The next year will be an important one for environmental journalism. We need your support to ensure that the Society of Environmental Journalists can continue its important work supporting hard-hitting environmental reporting. As a nonprofit, we rely on your donations to help us make that work possible. Can you make a year-end gift now? Please give generously and share SEJ's donor link with your followers today: Now more than ever, you make the difference!

SEJ Bylaws

As Revised at Annual Meetings of the SEJ Membership Oct. 5, 1991, Oct. 23, 1993, Oct. 4, 1997, Oct. 29, 2004, Oct. 17, 2008, Oct. 9, 2009, Oct. 15, 2010, Nov. 21, 2020, Sept. 24, 2022 and Sept. 23, 2023.

SEJ Board & Staff

Meet your 2023-24 board of directors! On September 23, 2023, the members of the Society of Environmental Journalists elected Rocky Kistner (who was appointed to fill a board vacancy in Spring 2023), Bobby Magill (who previously served on the board from 2015-2021) and three new board members: Karla Mendes, Halle Parker and Angela Rowlings. We wish a fond farewell and many thanks for their service to Sadie Babits, Kathiann Kowalski and Sara Schonhardt.


Thinking about joining or supporting the Society of Environmental Journalists?

SEJ Stories from members and friends

Below are snippets from some of the accolades SEJ has received over the years.

Global Demand Squeezes Gas

A longstanding assumption of American energy policy has been that natural gas would be plentiful abroad, and therefore readily available for importation.
Source: New York Times, 05/29/2008



Blogs and More

This is a listing of SEJ members' websites and blogs, as well as archives of non-member sites SEJ members have recommended as useful to any journalist covering environmental issues.
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Books includes our members' own volumes and their suggestions for resource books you should consult, as well as environmental fiction they've enjoyed reading.
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SEJ Publications

SEJ publications help you keep up with the world of environmental journalism and stay on top of news events. See below for more on our publications:
