According to a recent GAO report, the nation's federally subsidized crop insurance program might not be ready to manage increasing risks to US crops due to climate change.
As spring begins to turn into summer, at least 28 states are suffering from some degree of drought. Many of these areas have already withered under multiple years of bone-dry conditions.
Even Al Gore, tweaked by conservatives for his multi-home, jet-setting lifestyle, has defended his bona fides by touting his family's purchase of carbon offsets.
Many cities are embarking on coordinated programs designed to significantly increase their tree cover, in order to address issues such as aesthetics, energy use, carbon sequestration, air quality, and stormwater runoff.
În the past few weeks, EPA, New York City, and U.S. PIRG have released potentially useful information on greenhouse gas emissions, covering the national, state, and city level.
The third of four reports that comprise the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's "Fourth Assessment Report on Climate Change" is scheduled to be released May 4, 2007, in Bangkok.