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SciLine Experts on Camera: Landslide Risks With Dr. Daniel Sturmer

Part of Sciline's "experts on camera" series, U of Cincinnati's Dr. Daniel Sturmer will be available from 1-3 p.m. ET for 15-minute 1-on-1 Zoom interviews. He can discuss landslide causes, management and risks, and how climate change impacts those risks and increases difficulty in forecasting. 

"Rescuing Kelp Through Science"

"Breakthrough genetic research at a Massachusetts lab could save the world’s vanishing kelp forests—and support American kelp farming, too."

Source: Civil Eats, 07/18/2024

"DR Congo Conflict Fuels Forest Loss"

"Under the denuded slopes of Mount Nyiragongo volcano in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, traders in Kibati town bartered over sacks of charcoal, a product of deforestation that an ongoing conflict has pushed to unprecedented levels, the United Nations says."

Source: Reuters, 07/18/2024
