"U.S. government and university scientists are partnering to form a new cooperative institute that will use satellite observations to detect, monitor and forecast climate change and its impact on the environment."
The flame-retardant chemicals known as PBDEs are virtually ubiquitous in U.S. waters. New research shows that when PBDEs are exposed to wastewater treatment, they can generate dioxins.
Energy Secretary Chu and CA Gov. Schwarzenegger today will dedicate the National Ignition Facility, a mammoth laser device designed to explore fusion energy.
A power plant under construction on a Finnish island was supposed to be the showpiece of a nuclear renaissance. But it is way behind schedule and over budget.
Congress decision, under pressure from the gun lobby, to allow loaded, concealed weapons in National Parks creates problems for rangers trying to keep people safe.
"The most likely place for oil in the Arctic is off northern Alaska in the Chukchi Sea, the researchers report. But conservationists warn of drilling in the fragile environment."
Agriculture Secretary Vilsack took personal control over logging and road projects on tens of millions of acres of National Forest in a temporary effort to resolve controversy over the "Roadless Rule."