Sifting Disinformation
RealClimate: Climate Science from Climate Scientists
Don't let the blog format of this site distract you from the substance of the articles it contains. When somebody is spinning the latest climate story, RealClimate posts authoritative, research-based articles in language accessible to lay readers while the controversy or deception is still fresh in headlines.
Climate Risk Management in Africa
"Climate Risk Management in Africa: Learning from Practice."
The IRI also releases monthly precipitation and temperature forecasts for the globe, and its Data Library has more than 300 data sets that can be charted, mapped or downloaded for free via the Web site.
Communicating Climate Change
Communicating Climate Change
Produced by Oregon Sea Grant at Oregon State University, Communicating Climate Change is a series of taped interviews with leading social scientists on the question of how to communicate about climate change to a broad public. Interviewees as of April 18, 2008, include Anthony Leiserowitz, Susanne Moser, Caron Chess, Baruch Fischhoff and Ed Maibach.
Further Information
Birdwatcher's Guide to Global Warming
Produced by the American Bird Conservancy and National Wildlife Federation, the guide offers analysis of how global climate change may affect some bird species.
World View of Global Warming
Photographer Gary Braasch's website is a non-commercial archive of global warming photo-documentation and information since 2002.
World View of Global Warming
World View of Global Warming
Photographer Gary Braasch's website is a non-commercial archive of global warming photo-documentation and information since 2002.
Additional Information
Translating Science/Telling Stories
Videos of journalists and scientists who attended workshops in 2012 and 2013 on improving climate change communications, a joint venture of MSU’s Knight Center for Environmental Journalism, the Society of Environmental Journalists, MSU’s Kellogg Biological Station, the National Science Foundation and the Great Lakes Climate Change Education Partnership.
Evangelical Views
The John Ray Initiative
Chaired by Sir John Houghton, former Chair of the IPCC.
Evangelical Climate Initiative
Originators of the "What Would Jesus Drive?" Campaign
Evangelical Environmental Network
Evangelical Environmental Network
Publishers of Creation Care Magazine.
Evangelical Climate Initiative
Evangelical Climate Initiative
Originators of the "What Would Jesus Drive?" Campaign