
Consumption Advisories Offer Fistful of Fish Tales

With fishing season underway in the United States and Canada, fish consumption advisories are also on the hook. That means potential stories for environmental journalists. The latest Reporter’s Toolbox points you to state-by-state data sources and walks you through how to best explain them to your audience. Plus, a bonus story tip.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"How A Yukon Mine Left Behind A $35-Million Clean-Up Bill"

"The territorial government is on the hook to clean up the Wolverine mine after its owner went bankrupt. A system in place to secure funds for remediation throughout a mine’s life should have prevented this scenario, but it didn’t — and that doesn’t bode well for future mine clean-ups".

Source: The Narwhal, 06/12/2020

"Lake Ontario ‘Aquatic Landfill’ To Contain 150-Year-Old Toxic Blob"

"A $139-million underwater box the size of six city blocks is being built to contain an underwater contaminated zone in Hamilton’s Randle Reef for some 200 years. While critics point out the answer to the steel town’s historic pollution shouldn’t be found in making more steel, others say the technique should be considered for other toxic sites in Canadian waters".

Source: The Narwhal, 06/10/2020


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