"Canada’s Last Intact Ice Shelf Collapses Due To Warming"
"Much of Canada’s remaining intact ice shelf has broken apart into hulking iceberg islands thanks to a hot summer and global warming, scientists said."
"Much of Canada’s remaining intact ice shelf has broken apart into hulking iceberg islands thanks to a hot summer and global warming, scientists said."
"It’s not the first time the president has boasted about a formal directive he never actually gave."
"Three hundred thousand pages of records, stuffed into 50 cardboard boxes each year with no filing method. It’s a system so broken and antiquated you’d be forgiven if you assumed this was a thing of the distant past. But you’d be wrong."
"Insurer Zurich has decided not to renew cover for the Canadian government’s Trans Mountain oil pipeline, said a spokeswoman for the project, which is opposed by environmental campaigners and some indigenous groups."
"California’s climate pact with Quebec doesn’t interfere with U.S. authority to conduct foreign affairs, a federal court said Friday."
"Northern Ontario's muskeg serves as home to dozens of First Nations, stores immense amounts of carbon and sits on top of vast mineral deposits. Whose vision for the bogs and fens will win out?"
"Humpbacks are some of the most watched whales in the world, and yet so much of their lives remains a mystery."
"As the territorial government works toward a mineral development strategy, Carcross/Tagish First Nation urges an overhaul of the free entry system that it says puts rights in the hands of miners and removes it from Indigenous Peoples".
"An abandoned asbestos mine in a remote corner of Yukon has yet to be remediated 42 years after closing, and could pose a flood risk to anyone downstream, according to the federal government."
"For Arthur Hadland, the news that the BC Oil and Gas Commission has assumed responsibility for 401 orphan wells left by a bankrupt oil and gas company is both a blessing and a curse."