
Environment Canada Warned Mount Polley Mine Before Disaster, FOIs Show

"The controversial Mount Polley mine received both millions of dollars in contracts and a written warning from Canada’s environment department prior to a massive breach of a dam with mining waste in 2014, according to a newly released federal memorandum."

Source: National Observer, 01/19/2016

Canadian Mining Companies Leave Behind Decades Of Violence In Guatemala

"Wherever Canadian mining companies operate, they have an indelible imprint on the social, political and environmental realities in which they insert themselves. In countries that are politically unstable or where a culture of impunity is permitted to thrive, that imprint can span generations with successive mining companies following in the footsteps of their predecessors. Such is the legacy of shame that the Maya Q’eqchi people in Guatemala have been forced to endure for the last half century."

Source: IC Magazine, 01/18/2016
April 24, 2016 to April 27, 2016

OpenAccess Energy

This summit, hosted by Waterloo Global Science Initiative (WGSI) in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, will address global energy access challenges. The Summit will be preceded by two days of public lectures on April 22 and 23, 2016.



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