Middle East

November 14, 2018 to November 29, 2018

Biodiversity Action Framework UN Conference

In collaboration with the Government of Egypt, the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) will hold its 14th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP14) in Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt, under the theme "Investing in Biodiversity for People and Planet," beginning a two-year negotiation of post-2020 biodiversity action framework. Accredited media are invited.

Topics on the Beat: 

Reporting from Iraq — with Both Camera and Notebook

In the first edition of a new SEJournal column — EJ InSight — we look at how one freelance print journalist took up the camera to diversify her skills and report a unique story from the marshes of Iraq. See a photo gallery of her images. Plus, multimedia efforts from other environmental reporters.

SEJ Publication Types: 

In Egypt, Rising Sea Raises Worries About Climate Change's Effects

"On Egypt's Mediterranean coast, August should be prime tourist season. But the seaside restaurants in Alexandria are almost empty. Worries over security are keeping a lot of foreign tourists away. But there's a much bigger worry looming: that hotter weather and a disappearing shoreline could make Egypt's prospects even worse."

Source: NPR, 08/15/2017

"Fighting the Flames of ISIL in Iraq"

"Qayyarah, Iraq - Six months after ISIL fighters torched oil wells in Qayyarah, Iraqi fire crews are still battling the flames. Like a scene from a Hollywood blockbuster, a vast and pervasive darkness hangs over Qayyarah, as toxic black smoke billows from the burning wells.

Oil has been a key source of income for the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, also known as ISIS) group, making Qayyarah an important strategic town. Its recapture last August by Iraqi forces was a significant gain in their advance towards Mosul.

Source: Aljazeera, 02/08/2017


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