
All forms of advocacy, esp. environmental groups.

Grant Helps Chart Illegal Rosewood’s 10,000-Mile Journey

Two young journalists collaborated from continents apart — with the help of a Society of Environmental Journalists grant — to report on illicit trade in a highly prized timber. A new entry in our recently launched StoryLog column captures the whole process, from the spark of an idea, through research, a winning grant proposal, field reporting and published stories. Plus, lessons learned.

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"Former U.S. Climate Leaders Press Biden on Amazon Deforestation"

"During his presidential campaign, Joseph R. Biden Jr. said the United States should mobilize $20 billion to stop the destruction of the Amazon rainforest and impose “significant economic consequences” if deforestation continued."

Source: NYTimes, 02/02/2021

"Ex-DOJ Official Called ‘Radioactive’ After Alleged Election Plot"

"The Trump administration’s top environmental lawyer faces severe career repercussions and possibly ethics probes in the wake of allegations, which he disputes, that he worked with President Donald Trump to try to cast doubt on the 2020 election results."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 01/25/2021

Biden Nominees Foretell Aggressive Action on Climate, Environmental Justice

Key picks for President Biden’s environment and energy team suggest top priorities, among them an aggressive, whole-government climate change agenda. The latest Backgrounder assesses choices to pursue Biden’s international and domestic climate policies, as well as historic selections for EPA and Interior, and more. Plus, dive into SEJournal’s expanding “2021 Journalists’ Guide to Energy & Environment” special report.

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Assange Case Raises Free Press Concerns; Pushback on ‘Murder the Media’ Message

The Espionage Act case against controversial figure Julian Assange is a wedge that could later be used to restrict press freedoms for journalists and so should be dropped by the incoming Biden administration, argues the new WatchDog opinion column. That, plus why the “murder the media” message signals the need for a law to make it a crime to assault journalists.

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Renewables To Flourish Further in 2021

Energy markets may mean more than government action in the ongoing effort to cut global warming emissions. But industry spin makes it tough to sort out the facts. The latest TipSheet, part of our expanding “2021 Journalists’ Guide to Energy & Environment” special report, has context on tech advances, shifting demand and the impact of subsidies. That, plus six top developments to watch.

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