
All forms of advocacy, esp. environmental groups.

Judge Blocks South Dakota Law Barring Pipeline Protests

"A judge on Wednesday issued a preliminary injunction to block enforcement of South Dakota’s new “riot-boosting” law, which passed earlier this year to deter pipeline protests. The law threatens heavy penalties for any person or group that encourages a “riot,” which is defined broadly enough to include many forms of public protest."

Source: Mother Jones, 09/19/2019

Texas Uses Fossil Protest Law Against Climbers Who Shut Down Oil Port

"A group of activists who shut down one of the nation's largest oil ports by hanging off a bridge over the Houston Ship Channel have been charged under a new Texas law that imposes harsh penalties for disrupting the operations of fossil fuel infrastructure."

Source: InsideClimate News, 09/17/2019

Who Wins in Latest Expansion of Fishing, Hunting at National Refuges, Fisheries?

A new rule expands hunting and fishing in National Wildlife Refuges and fish hatcheries, and that means potential impacts on critically important public policy around fish and wildlife conservation. The latest TipSheet offers up story ideas and resources for local coverage of the story.

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Activists Claim Win Against Chinese Chemical Plant In Louisiana

"Louisiana activists battling a polluting chemical and plastics industry are claiming a victory in a community just outside Reserve, where the Guardian has investigated high cancer rates and toxic emissions from a nearby factory."

Source: Guardian, 09/09/2019

100s of Young People Join Greta Thunberg In Climate Protest Outside UN

"Teen climate activist Greta Thunberg was joined by swelling and excited crowds of American teenagers at a protest outside the UN headquarters in New York on Friday, in a further blossoming of the youth environment movement given extra thrust by the Swede’s transatlantic boat crossing."

Source: Guardian, 09/03/2019

"Many Kids Take A Passion For The Planet Back To School"

"For many kids, heading back to school means more than resuming classes and homework. It means getting back to clubs and student organizations focused on sustainability — everything from composting and recycling to reducing food waste and promoting cleaner oceans and waterways."

Source: AP, 08/30/2019


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