
Scientist Recounts Great Barrier Reef’s ‘Final Battle’

The Great Barrier Reef is one of nature’s marvels, home to a startling array of life. It’s also the victim of forces rapidly bringing about its demise, from runoff to climate change. With “In Hot Water,” scientist Paul Hardisty recounts the struggle to save this remarkable ecosystem, amid forces of capital, politics and conflicting science. The latest BookShelf review from contributor Melody Kemp.

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Sewage Sludge Can Spread the Harm of Many Toxic Chemicals

What was once benignly dubbed biosolids is more accurately tagged toxic sludge. And some of it may be finding its way into our food. The latest TipSheet reports how that came to be despite (or perhaps because of) Clean Water Act regulation, and how hard it is to calculate the potential harms. Plus, more than a dozen reporting ideas and resources for this highly localizable story.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Water Crises Threaten the World’s Ability to Eat, Studies Show"

"The world’s food supply is under threat because so much of what we eat is concentrated in so few countries, and many of those countries are increasingly facing a water shortage. That’s the conclusion of three independent studies published this week.'

Source: NYTimes, 10/17/2024

"How Farms Are Fighting A Pesky Almond Moth Without Pesticides"

"Every year, navel orangeworms eat through roughly 2% of California’s almonds before they can make it to grocery store shelves. With climate change threatening to make the situation worse, researchers are hoping to sterilize millions of moths a day with radiation and drop them from airplanes."

Source: LA Times, 10/11/2024

Wisconsin Estimates Around 40 Percent Of Private Wells Contain Pesticides

"The state estimates one or more pesticides are found in around 43 percent of 800,000 private wells in Wisconsin, and more than half of the pesticides detected aren’t regulated in groundwater by the state or federal governments."

Source: Wisconsin Public Radio, 10/11/2024

Polluted Waste From Florida’s Fertilizer Industry Vulnerable To Milton

"As Hurricane Milton pummeled Florida’s west coast with powerful winds and flooding rain, environmentalists worry it could scatter the polluted leftovers of the state’s phosphate fertilizer mining industry and other hazardous waste across the peninsula and into vulnerable waterways."

Source: AP, 10/11/2024

"EPA Not Protecting Public From Neonic Exposure, Analysis Suggests"

"Rodent studies given to US regulators by insecticide makers close to 20 years ago revealed the chemicals could be harmful to the animals’ brain development – data worrisome for humans exposed to the popular pesticides but not properly accounted for by regulators, according to a new research report published this week."

Source: The New Lede, 10/08/2024


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