Massive Imports Of Corn And Soybeans Belie "Organic" Label
"A shipment of 36 million pounds of soybeans sailed late last year from Ukraine to Turkey to California. Along the way, it underwent a remarkable transformation."
"A shipment of 36 million pounds of soybeans sailed late last year from Ukraine to Turkey to California. Along the way, it underwent a remarkable transformation."
"The USDA’s research section studies everything from climate change to nutrition. Under the 2008 Farm Bill, its leader is supposed to serve as the agency’s 'chief scientist' and be chosen 'from among distinguished scientists with specialized or significant experience in agricultural research, education, and economics.' But Sam Clovis — who, according to sources with knowledge of the appointment and members of the agriculture trade press, is President Trump’s pick to oversee the section — appears to have no such credentials."
"As the state bats around a bill shielding hog farms from some nuisance lawsuits, new evidence filed in court last week finds harmful bacteria on homes near large confinement farms."
"With livestock-contamination of drinking water a growing concern in Wisconsin, the Department of Natural Resources has quietly started efforts to provide temporary water supplies to people with tainted wells."
"[Maine] Gov. Paul LePage’s bill to take away municipal government’s ability to enact local pesticide ordinances closely mirrors a model bill written and promoted by a secretive national group that helps large national corporations ghost-write laws for sympathetic state legislators."
"U.S. EPA violated the Endangered Species Act when it issued 59 pesticide registrations between 2007 and 2012, a federal court has found."
"The state’s new Democratic governor vetoed a bill to limit plaintiff compensation in CAFO nuisance lawsuits, though the Republican-dominated legislature could overturn the veto as early as this week."
"Will a new executive order 'promoting agriculture and rural prosperity' fulfill its promise? That depends on who you ask."
"LINCOLN, Wis. -- Lee Kinnard’s new barn stretches the length of six football fields. It’s so big he once flew a drone inside to get a bird’s eye view of all the cows."
"WINDSOR -- Air whistled through the kitchen faucet when Earldell Trowell turned on the tap one morning last summer. On July 4, one of the hottest days of the year, she had no water."