
"Plan to Let Poultry Plants Inspect Birds Is Criticized"

"WASHINGTON — Federal food safety inspectors said a proposal by the Agriculture Department to expand a pilot program that allows private companies to take over the inspections at poultry plants could pose a health risk by allowing contaminated meat to reach customers.""Currently, the Agriculture Department’s Food Safety and Inspection Service inspectors are stationed along the assembly lines in poultry plants and examine the birds for blemishes, feces or visible defects before they are processed."

Source: NY Times, 04/06/2012
June 6, 2013 to June 9, 2013

Canadian Science Writers' Association Annual Conference

This year’s CSWA conference, at the McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, offers sessions on nanotechnology, food security, ecosystem services, biofuels, smart machines, scientist speed dating, and more.



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