
December 5, 2011 to December 7, 2011

Wessex Institute of Technology - First International Conference on Water and Society in Las Vegas, NV

This first International Conference on Water and Society aims to provide a multi-disciplinary forum for the presentation and discussion of many issues affecting water resources today. The meeting will encourage trans-disciplinary communication on issues related to the nature of water, and its use and exploitation by society.


"Asian Stink Bug Poised To Devour North Carolina Crops"

"The Asian stink bug has started its migration into North Carolina, and a team of researchers at N.C. State University have prepped their labs, set their traps and launched a monitoring website - all in an effort to stop the pest's spread. Their work is urgent. This insect, also known as the brown marmorated stink bug, has decimated crops in the mid-Atlantic states."

Source: Charlotte Observer, 09/06/2011

"U.S. Farm Income Tops $100 Billion For First Time In 2011"

"U.S. farm income will soar past $100 billion for the first time in 2011 following rising cash receipts for everything from corn, wheat and cotton to soybeans, the Agriculture Department said on Tuesday. U.S. farm income is forecast at $103.6 billion for 2011, up $24.5 billion, or 31 percent from 2010. Much of the increase is the result of higher crop values, which are expected to rise by $33.6 billion.

Source: Reuters, 08/31/2011

"Register Investigation: Egg Farms Rack Up Violations"

"One year after 1,900 people were sickened and a half-billion Iowa eggs were recalled, government inspectors continue to find unsanitary conditions and inadequate protections against salmonella on Iowa’s egg farms. None of the violations have resulted in fines or penalties from state or federal agencies, and Iowa’s egg producers still aren’t required to tell state officials when they find salmonella on their farms."

Source: Des Moines Register, 08/30/2011

"Monsanto Corn Plant Losing Bug Resistance"

"Widely grown corn plants that Monsanto Co. genetically modified to thwart a voracious bug are falling prey to that very pest in a few Iowa fields, the first time a major Midwest scourge has developed resistance to a genetically modified crop."

"The discovery raises concerns that the way some farmers are using biotech crops could spawn superbugs.

Source: Wall St. Journal, 08/29/2011


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