Anything related to air quality, air pollution, or the atmosphere
The Really Big Ozone Story: Plants With Asthma
Most news about ground-level ozone pollution focuses on its considerable impacts to human health. But there may be a far broader and potentially bigger story: Ground-level ozone pollution significantly impairs plants' ability to absorb CO2 - which in turn exacerbates climate change, reduces agricultural yields (think: food shortages), and damages ecosystems.
EPA To Release Proposed Lead Standard Soon
Hot on the heels of the announcement of EPA's controversial revised ground-level ozone standard, the agency is required by court order to release its proposal for a revised airborne lead standard no later than May 1, 2008. A final rule is required by Sept. 1, 2008.
Air Pollution From Ships: New Laws, New Science
Ocean-going ships are a major unregulated air pollution source.
Peking Yuk!
New Science Clarifies NO2 Health Effects

EPA reviews its health-based standard for NO2 as an air pollutant, and has issued a science assessment of health effects.
Beijing Shrouded in Haze