
Anything related to air quality, air pollution, or the atmosphere

Small-Market Reporter Unmasks Race Gap in Pollution Response

When two towns — one an affluent suburb and the other a poor rural community — faced similar air pollution crises, lopsided government action made clear there was an underlying race and class divide. Reporter Sharon Lerner shares the story behind her award-winning reporting that tells the “Tale of Two Toxic Cities,” in our latest Inside Story Q&A.

SEJ Publication Types: 

DOJ Whistleblower: California Emissions Probe Was 'Abuse Of Authority'

"A Department of Justice (DOJ) decision to investigate a California effort to reduce vehicle emissions was highly criticized on Wednesday by House Democrats, who called it an effort to strong-arm the state and automakers."

Source: The Hill, 06/25/2020

Altered Office Environments Will Likely Greet Workers Returning From Quarantine

The indoor air in offices was already a potential health risk even before COVID-19. But now amid the pandemic coronavirus, not to mention other ever-present biological threats, indoor environmental hazards make it more likely than ever that offices will look and function differently in coming days. TipSheet takes a look and offers more than a dozen story ideas and resources.

SEJ Publication Types: 

EJ Groups Sue EPA over Mercury Air Toxics Rule for Power Plants

"A coalition of more than 20 health, environmental and racial justice organizations are suing the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) over a finding that undermines the legal justification behind a regulation for the emission of mercury and other toxins from power plants."

Source: The Hill, 06/22/2020

Wheeler in Wisconsin: Putting a Green Veneer on Actions of Trump EPA

"The Trump administration declared a victory over air pollution in Sheboygan, Wisconsin this week—a timely win given recent polls showing that voters view environmental protection to be President Trump's greatest vulnerability." "By redrawing a line on a map to exclude a monitor with higher pollution readings, the administration has given the appearance of reducing pollution in Sheboygan."

Source: InsideClimate News, 06/19/2020

"Climate Change Tied to Pregnancy Risks, Affecting Black Mothers Most"

"Pregnant women exposed to high temperatures or air pollution are more likely to have children who are premature, underweight or stillborn, and African-American mothers and babies are harmed at a much higher rate than the population at large, according to sweeping new research examining  more than 32 million births in the United States."

Source: NYTimes, 06/19/2020

"Millions of Abandoned Oil Wells Are Leaking Methane, A Climate Menace"

"In May 2012, Hanson and Michael Rowe noticed an overpowering smell, like rotten eggs, seeping from an abandoned gas well on their land in Kentucky. The fumes made the retired couple feel nauseous, dizzy, and short of breath."

Source: Reuters, 06/17/2020


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