
Things related to the web of life; ecology; wildlife; endangered species

March 31, 2025

DEADLINE: Jefferson Fellowships for Journalists

The Fellowships comprise one week of dialogue with professional colleagues and experts at the East-West Center in Hawaii, followed by a two-week study tour to cities in Asia or the U.S. Theme of the 2025 program, Oct 4-23, is "Assessing Environmental Challenges and Solutions: Lessons from Southeast Asia." Apply by Mar 31.


Studies Consider Coverage Of Biotech And Environmental Justice In The United States


U.S. biotech coverage presents less risk than Canadian coverage, few popular views, preliminary study suggests

A recent study compares U.S. and Canadian public opinion of genetic technology and combines it with a preliminary study of the countries' biotech news coverage, finding that U.S. coverage focuses less on risks of genetic manipulation than Canadian coverage and fails to represent the wide range of public opinion on the topic.

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