Economy & Business

Foxconn Wants 7 Million Gallons A Day From Lake Michigan, DNR Says

"The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources says it will decide in about 90 days on a request to pump 7 million gallons a day from Lake Michigan as part of a proposed Foxconn manufacturing complex state leaders have pushed as a major job creator."

Source: Madison State Journal, 01/30/2018

"GOP Lawmakers Condemn Trump’s Tariff Decision"

"Prominent Republicans warned President Trump on Wednesday against taking further trade actions that could harm American workers, even as top administration officials meeting in Davos, Switzerland, rose to the defense of the president’s “America First” rhetoric on the eve of his arrival."

Source: Washington Post, 01/25/2018

Charting the Year Ahead in Environment, Energy News

This is a decisive time on the energy and environment front, with challenges and confrontation expected over the consummation of the Trump deregulatory agenda. Our second annual issues guide provides a roadmap for covering the big stories. The guide's formal launch took place at an SEJ event in Washington, D.C. on January 26. If you missed it, the webcast is archived here.

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