Economy & Business

"Pruitt Huddled With Coal Exec Who Raised Over $1M for Trump"

"EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt met with an Indiana coal executive last year who was seeking to soften a pollution rule — and who once boasted about raising more than a million dollars for President Donald Trump’s campaign, according to documents provided to POLITICO."

Source: Politico, 03/19/2018

Offshore Safety Chief Meets Almost Exclusively With Industry

"Documents show that Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) Director Scott Angelle has spent more than 98 hours meeting with oil and gas lobbyists and executives since he began the role last May. In contrast, during this same time he only spent 1.75 hours with NGOs."

Source: Think Progress, 03/14/2018

Dems Unveil $1T Infrastructure Plan, Undo GOP Tax Cuts To Pay For It

"As the White House struggles to finance an ambitious infrastructure plan, Senate Democrats are proposing one alternative — albeit one unlikely to pass muster with President Trump: rolling back the recently passed Republican tax overhaul."

Source: Washington Post, 03/08/2018

"White House Turns To Congress For Ideas On Infrastructure Funding"

"The White House has proposed to spend $200 billion more in infrastructure but remains unsettled on how to pay for the investment, despite President Trump’s hints of an increase in the federal gas tax, his transportation chief said Tuesday."

Source: Washington Post, 03/07/2018


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