Economy & Business

"High-Stakes Fight Over Soybeans at High Court"

Today the Supreme Court will hear arguments in a case testing the reach of GMO companies' market power based on intellectual property claims -- and while environment and health are not immediately before the court, a case that could have wide impacts on both.

Source: AP, 02/19/2013

"Monsanto Sued Small Farmers To Protect Seed Patents, Report Says"

"The agricultural giant Monsanto has sued hundreds of small farmers in the United States in recent years in attempts to protect its patent rights on genetically engineered seeds that it produces and sells, a new report said on Tuesday."

Source: Guardian, 02/13/2013

"SBA Office Worked To Block Federal Regulations on Businesses"

"An independent office within the Small Business Administration has worked to block health, safety and environmental regulations on behalf of small and large businesses without appropriate technical expertise, two new studies have charged."

Source: Government Executive, 01/30/2013


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