Economy & Business

"Tidal Wave of Money Coming To Make California Schools Greener"

"During the fall campaign, California's attention was focused on the presidential race and Gov. Jerry Brown's tax measure. But in a historic, largely overlooked environmental shift, the state's voters also triggered a multibillion-dollar tidal wave of new green spending."

Source: San Jose Mercury News, 12/03/2012
December 11, 2012

E.U. Environmental Law and Policy Developments: The Business View from Brussels

Join the panelists from the Environmental Law Institute and the Kingdom of Belgium for an afternoon of sessions on EU product regulations and climate change policy, followed by a smorgasbord of Belgian cuisine at no charge!


"Saudi-Led Oil Lobby Group Financed 2012 Dark Money Attack Ads"

"The 'American' in American Petroleum Institute, the country's largest oil lobby group, is a misnomer. As I reported for The Nation in August, the group has changed over the years, and is now led by men like Tofiq Al-Gabsani, a Saudi Arabian national who heads a Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Aramco) subsidiary, the state-run oil company that also helps finance the American Petroleum Institute. Al-Gabsani is also a registered foreign agent for the Saudi government."

Source: Nation, 11/30/2012
December 6, 2012

Election 2012 – 30 Days Later: What Happened and What's Next

Thirty days after the 2012 election, join Waggener Edstrom Worldwide and the Public Affairs Council in DC to hear about "what happened and what's next" from four leading national journalists covering the energy and environment, economy and business, health and technology sectors. 8 to 10 a.m. EST. Free event but RSVP required by November 30th.


"Climate Skeptic Group Works To Reverse Renewable Energy Mandates"

"The Heartland Institute, a libertarian think tank skeptical of climate change science, has joined with the conservative American Legislative Exchange Council to write model legislation aimed at reversing state renewable energy mandates across the country."

Source: Wash Post, 11/26/2012


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