
‘Buy It Or Else’: Monsanto And BASF’s Moves To Force Dicamba On Farmers

"Get poisoned or get on board. That’s the choice soybean farmers such as Will Glazik face. The past few summers, farmers near Glazik’s central Illinois farm have sprayed so much of the weedkiller dicamba at the same time that it has polluted the air for hours and sometimes days."

Source: St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 12/09/2020

"Trump Administration Is Planting Loyalists in Biden Transition Meetings"

"Loyalists to President Trump have blocked transition meetings at some government agencies and are sitting in on discussions at other agencies between career civil servants and President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s transition teams, sometimes chilling conversations, several federal officials said."

Source: NYTimes, 12/09/2020

"PFAS Chemical Associated With Severe Covid-19"

"Elevated levels of a PFAS compound were associated with more severe forms of Covid-19, according to a Danish study now undergoing peer review. The research, which involved 323 patients infected with the coronavirus, found that those who had elevated levels of a chemical called PFBA were more than twice as likely to have a severe form of the disease."

Source: The Intercept, 12/08/2020

Climate Change Policy Likely To Permeate Executive Under Biden

What will climate change policy look like under a Biden administration? If nothing else, it appears it will be broadly based across a wide range of executive branch operations. This week’s TipSheet walks you through the top 10 federal departments, agencies and spending centers and how they will pivot to focus on global warming. 

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EPA Won't Require Industry To Guarantee Funding For Toxic Waste Cleanups

"The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is declining to require oil and gas, coal, chemical and mining companies to have insurance to cover major spills and accidents."

Source: The Hill, 11/27/2020


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