
Scientists Say Data Show Misleading Industry Findings on Chlorpyrifos

"Data just doesn't add up behind industry conclusions on chlorpyrifos— a controversial insecticide linked to brain impacts for children."

"Researchers who examined Dow Chemical Company-sponsored animal tests performed two decades ago on the insecticide chlorpyrifos found inaccuracies in what the company reported to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency compared to what the data showed.

And, according to internal EPA communication, agency scientists also had issues with the study interpretations, yet the agency approved the compound for continued use anyway.

Source: EHN, 11/19/2018

Hurricanes, Water Wars Threaten New High-End Gulf Coast Oyster Industry

"For Cainnon Gregg, 2018 started out as a great year. After leaving his job as an installation artist to become a full-time oyster farmer in Wakulla County, Florida in 2017, Gregg began raising small oysters in baskets or bags suspended in the shallow, productive coastal waters of Apalachicola Bay."

Source: The Conversation, 11/14/2018

City Tests Confirm Some Chicago Homes With Meters Have Lead In Tap Water

"City testing of Chicago homes with water meters found nearly 1 in 5 sampled had brain-damaging lead in their tap water, but Mayor Rahm Emanuel's water commissioner acknowledged Thursday that the city continued installing new meters after learning about the alarming results in June."

Source: Chicago Tribune, 11/12/2018


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