
Environmental (In)Justice Coverage Grows, As More Media Take Note

Environmental justice-related stories are expected to get more attention in the news media in 2019. But that’s not because the challenge of protecting marginalized communities from lopsided environmental impacts is being met. This week’s TipSheet explains, in a look-ahead to environmental justice stories making the news, the many forms the problem takes, the many communities affected and the emerging notion of “climate justice.”

SEJ Publication Types: 

In 2019, PFAS Chemicals Will Show Up in Drinking Water … and Headlines

The vast and widely used PFAS family of chemicals is causing serious worries across the country, as it turns up in more and more drinking water systems. Pressure to regulate it is also growing, but with mixed results. This week’s TipSheet offers a detailed look-ahead on this big, developing story, with a walk-through of the context, what the EPA is (and isn’t) doing, and why states are stepping up.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Super-Bacteria Show Up In Puget Sound Wildlife – From Orcas To Otters

"A leafy little tunnel runs through the undergrowth along the Black River in the Seattle suburb of Renton: an otter trail. It’s in hidey-holes like this that river otters leave detailed evidence of human misdeeds. Just downstream, in the Duwamish River, droppings left by river otters reveal toxic PCBs and other industrial waste."

Source: KUOW, 11/27/2018

"Chemicals on Our Food: When “Safe” May Not Really Be Safe"

"Weed killers in wheat crackers and cereals, insecticides in apple juice and a mix of multiple pesticides in spinach, string beans and other veggies – all are part of the daily diets of many Americans. For decades, federal officials have declared tiny traces of these contaminants to be safe. But a new wave of scientific scrutiny is challenging those assertions."

Source: EHN, 11/27/2018

"Leak At Newly-Expanded Delaware River Chemical Plant Jams Highways"

"The Croda chemical plant at Atlas Point on the Delaware River, which was recently expanded by its British owners to produce two tons of hazardous ethylene oxide per hour so the material didn't have to be shipped from Texas by rail, was shut down due to a leak on Sunday afternoon, stopping holiday traffic on I-295 over the Delaware Memorial Bridge and jamming drivers on the direct routes between New York and Washington, D.C."

Source: Philadelphia Inquirer, 11/26/2018
November 27, 2018

SciLine Media Briefing: "PFAS – Coming to a Faucet Near You?"

Communities in several states have recently reported concerning levels of perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in their drinking water. This web-based SciLine media briefing, 3:00-4:00 p.m., will cover what scientists know about the health effects of PFAS exposure, the lack of consensus on what level of exposure is “safe”, and what is being done to detect and address PFAS contamination in affected communities. Includes opportunity for Q&A.

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