
Stop Playing 'Whack-A-Mole' With Toxic Flame Retardants, Enviros Urge

"As the public has learned of health risks tied to chemicals in everyday products, many companies have responded by eliminating, one by one, the suspected cancer causers, brain damagers and hormone disruptors. But even prompt action doesn't entirely appease some health experts, who warn of a problematic pattern."

Source: Huffington Post, 04/02/2015

Nebraska Man Asks Oil Commission One Question: 'Would You Drink It?'

"James Osborn has just one question: 'Would you drink it?' 'It' being a mysterious brown sludge -- allegedly fracking fluid -- that Osborn brought in a foam cup to a public hearing in Sidney, Nebraska, in front of the state Oil and Gas Conservation Commission on Tuesday."

Source: Huffington Post, 03/30/2015


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