
Obama's EPA Breaks Pledge To Speed Science on Toxic Chemicals

Since taking office, the Obama administration has vowed to restore science as the basis for health findings on the toxic chemicals in commerce. But politics -- based on strong lobbying and finagling by the chemical industry -- seems to have thwarted the administration's declared intentions. "In the past three years, the EPA has assessed fewer chemicals than ever. Last year, it completed only one assessment. Today, the agency has even embraced measures sought by the chemical industry that have led to endless delays."

Source: Ctr for Public Integrity, 01/23/2015

"Study: Diabetes Drug Affecting Fish in Lake Michigan"

"Researchers have found that pharmaceuticals and personal-care byproducts persist at low levels miles from sewage discharge pipes in Lake Michigan. And a study from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee shows that the most prevalent drug in the lake — the Type 2 diabetes medication Metformin — changes the hormonal system of fish exposed to it."

Source: Detroit Free Press, 01/16/2015

"Study: High Levels of Pollutants From Drilling Waste Found in Pa. Rivers"

"New scientific sampling and analysis has found high concentrations of ammonium and iodide, two potentially hazardous pollutants, in oil and gas well drilling wastewater discharged into streams and rivers in Pennsylvania and other states."

Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 01/15/2015

Groups Sue EPA for Data on Toxic Fracking Chemicals

The industry got Congress in 2005 to block the public from knowing about these chemicals, which can end up in people's drinking water. But the enviro groups, led by the Environmental Integrity Project, want to use a different law to help unlock the data.

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