
"US Faces Almost Daily Hazardous Chemical Accidents, Research Suggests"

"Hazardous chemical accidents are occurring almost daily, on average, in the United States, exposing people to dangerous toxins through fires, explosions, leaks, spills and other releases, according to a new analysis by non-profit researchers."

Source: Guardian/New Lede, 11/10/2023

EPA Has Found More Than a Dozen Unregulated Contaminants in Drinking Water

"The inaction on regulating contaminants — including those that likely cause cancer, reproductive or developmental issues — found in the water of millions of Americans illustrates shortcomings in the U.S. response to environmental threats, say experts."

Source: ProPublica, 11/08/2023

US Chemical Industry Likely Spent $110M To Thwart PFAS Legislation: Study

"The US chemical industry likely spent over $110m during the last two election cycles deploying lobbyists to kill dozens of pieces of PFAS legislation and slow administrative regulation around “forever chemicals”, a new analysis of federal lobbying documents has found."

Source: Guardian, 11/08/2023

Majority-Black Penn. Community Fights Proposed $6 Billion LNG Terminal

"In what was once a proud and neighborly community where residents sat on their porches and looked after kids playing in the streets, the noxious smell and degraded air quality attributable to the Covanta waste incinerator — the largest in the country, burning as much as 3,500 tons of trash a day — have driven residents indoors or out of town."

Source: EHN, 11/07/2023

Poisoned For Decades By A Peruvian Mine, Communities Feel Forgotten

"The open-cast crater seems ready to swallow the city whole. Mud-brick houses with corrugated iron roofs teeter on the edge of the massive Raúl Rojas mining pit, now lined with razor wire, which stretches nearly 2 kilometers (1.2 miles) across and is 300 meters, or more than a quarter of a mile, deep. This is the center of Cerro de Pasco, a city in central Peru, sitting at an elevation of more than 4,300 m (14,100 feet) above sea level."

Source: Mongabay, 11/03/2023


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