
"EPA Closes Civil Rights Investigation Into Louisiana Pollution"

"In a setback for environmental justice advocates, the Biden administration has closed a civil rights investigation of two Louisiana state agencies without finding discrimination in how the agencies regulated chemical plants in the area known as “Cancer Alley.”"

Source: Washington Post, 06/30/2023

"EPA Closes Civil Rights Probe Into Louisiana Over ‘Cancer Alley’ Pollution"

"The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) said Tuesday it did not find discrimination by the state of Louisiana against Black residents who face high levels of air pollution, closing a probe into actions by state departments."

Source: The Hill, 06/29/2023

Wildfire Smoke — Now a Local Story in Unaccustomed Places

The harms of air pollutants created by wildfires are clear. What’s lost in the haze, though, is that wildfire smoke can carry those pollutants vast distances, threatening communities that are unfamiliar with the risks. The latest TipSheet explains the dangers and how far-flung wildfire smoke travels, then offers a dozen story ideas plus reporting resources.

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Train Carrying Hot Asphalt, Molten Sulfur Plunges Into Yellowstone River

"A bridge that crosses the Yellowstone River in Montana collapsed early Saturday, plunging portions of a freight train carrying hazardous materials into the rushing water below."

Source: AP, 06/26/2023

EPA Hearing: "Can Louisiana Properly Regulate Carbon Capture Wells?

"Louisiana’s ability to regulate carbon capture injection wells went before the court of public opinion Wednesday as proponents and critics of the burgeoning industry sparred at the first day of a three-day public comment marathon on the state’s bid to wrest control of the wells from the federal government."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 06/23/2023

"3M Reaches $10.3 Billion Settlement in ‘Forever Chemicals’ Suits"

"The chemical and manufacturing giant 3M reached a $10.3 billion settlement on Thursday with U.S. cities and towns over their claims that the company contaminated drinking water with so-called forever chemicals used in everything from firefighting foam to nonstick coatings."

Source: NYTimes, 06/23/2023

In ‘Cancer Alley,’ Carbon Capture Push Draws Fire From Environmentalists

"EPA proposes handing regulation of carbon storage to state officials in Louisiana. Activists fear the risks, and the chance it could perpetuate the fossil fuel industry."

Source: Washington Post, 06/22/2023


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