
Latest TRI Data Can Charge Up Local Stories, Including on PFAS

When it comes to a core data set that just keeps giving for environmental journalists, Reporter’s Toolbox points you to the Toxics Release Inventory. A new year of data has just been released, with much insight to be extracted. And the TRI now also includes PFAS chemicals for the first time. Here’s how to use it for your local stories.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Cockroach Sex Took a Strange Turn. Now More Mutations Have Emerged."

"Cockroaches are changing up their sex lives, and it’s all our fault. Faced with sweet poisoned bait, roaches first ended up with a mutation that made them hate sweets, hindering their mating strategies. Now, more roach mutations are emerging, showing you can’t keep a good pest down."

Source: NYTimes, 03/30/2023

"EPA Leaves Americans In The Dark On Toxic Air Pollution"

"Across the United States, residents of neighborhoods abutting refineries, chemical plants and other major industrial sources can generally be sure of two facts: Those facilities emits tons of dangerous pollutants and EPA rarely requires monitoring for their presence in local air."

Source: E&E News, 03/30/2023

Plastics Cause Health Issues From Cancer To Birth Defects: Study

"Plastics are responsible for wide-ranging health impacts including cancers, lung disease and birth defects, according to the first analysis of the health hazards of plastics across their entire life cycle – from extraction for manufacturing, through to dumping into landfill and oceans."

Source: Guardian, 03/29/2023

Bring Home Cyber Risks to Water Supply, in Wake of EPA Tightening

With the federal government now requiring that states pay closer attention to cybersecurity risks in their regular audits of public drinking water systems, environmental journalists should be doing the same, suggests the latest TipSheet. Here’s how to gauge the cyber risk and to understand the current safe drinking water regulatory regime, plus story ideas and resources to bolster your local reporting.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Group Says Texas Fails To Hold Polluters Accountable For Unexpected Emissions

"A new report found that companies in Texas have had 21,000 unexpected pollution releases that emitted 400,000 tons of air pollution over six years, but only 1% of them prompted action by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality."

Source: Texas Tribune, 03/27/2023


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