Planning & Growth

August 11, 2014 to August 15, 2014

5th Biennial Conference of the International Association for Ecology and Health

The conference, taking place in Montreal, provides an opportunity to address issues ranging from environmental impact on human and animal health and transmission of infectious diseases, to conservation and ecosystem management, to rural and urban development and planning. Scholarships to cover the event are available; June 3rd deadline.

September 23, 2014

United Nations Climate Summit 2014: Catalyzing Action

The 2014 Climate Summit in New York is part of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s strategy to engage global leaders and advance climate action and ambition. The Summit is intended to be a solutions-focused Summit that is separate from, but complementary to, the UNFCCC negotiating process. It aims to provide evidence that leaders across sectors and at all levels are taking action, thus expanding the reach of what is possible today, in 2015, and beyond.

Topics on the Beat: 

Study: Developments Near Drying Forests a Deadly Combination in West

"As the climate warms, forest fires in the West increasingly will feast on acres of dry brush, growing into giants. In a cycle that will become routine, homeowners will flee, while firefighters will rush toward their houses — and away from areas where they could be putting out wildfires."

Source: Wash Post, 03/10/2014

Marcellus Energy Could Pave Over An Area Bigger Than Delaware

"Development of natural gas and wind resources in the Marcellus shale region could cover up nearly 1.3 million acres of land, an area bigger than the state of Delaware, with cement, asphalt and other impervious surfaces, according to a paper published this month in the scientific journal PLOS One."

Source: Huffington Post, 02/26/2014

WikiLeaks Exposes Secret Obama Trade Pact on Environment

Corporate lobby groups? Yeah, they can read it. Big campaign donors? They can read it, too. But can the news media and U.S. public read it? — No way! That would be un-American. Welcome to the secretly negotiated trade treaty known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

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