Planning & Growth

November 18, 2015 to November 20, 2015

Greenbuild International Summit

At the 2015 International Summit, representatives from over 80 nations will come together to discuss common challenges. We see our ideas as valuable, applicable, replicable and worth sharing.  This year, the Summit is the place where we connect the dots between climate change, finance, policy, industry, resource security, practice and innovation.

September 17, 2015

DEADLINE: Metcalf Seminar "Climate Change and the News: Planning for Sea Level Rise & Extreme Weather"

As policy discussions heat up in advance of the 2015 UN Climate Change Conference in December, journalists are invited to apply for a free seminar exploring U.S. responses to coastal climate change impacts. This Metcalf Institute seminar will be held in Cambridge, MA on Nov 4, at the 2015 Rising Seas Summit.


Ten Years After Katrina: Lessons, Warnings, Rebuilding

As the 10th anniversary of the Hurricane Katrina catastrophe approaches, many news media are doing stories that try to make sense of it. For journalists, it's an inexhaustible subject because it's about people's lives and the moral perils of the governments we choose. It's about the looming catastrophes we deny.

August 12, 2015

DEADLINE: IJNR Chesapeake Bay Institute

The Institute for Journalism & Natural Resources will take journalists to Maryland, Sep 15-20, 2015, to explore threats to the Chesapeake Bay region, including nonpoint source pollution, depleted fisheries, and a population that grows by 100,000 residents each year. Apply by Aug 12.


Eagle ‘Hot Spot’ in Virginia Could Be Replaced By Golf Course, Resort

"TAPPAHANNOCK, Va. — The emerald tree canopy on this town’s scenic high cliffs is something of a luxury community for bald eagles. There are gorgeous views of the Rappahannock River, nice fishing and tasty seafood. Best of all, it’s one of the top places in the Chesapeake Bay region to raise their young."

Source: Wash Post, 07/22/2015


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