"Children Suffer as World Bank’s Borrowers Upend Their Lives"
"In the disappearing rainforests of Indonesia, a 9-year-old boy copes with the trauma of eviction"
"In the disappearing rainforests of Indonesia, a 9-year-old boy copes with the trauma of eviction"
"A season of goal-setting begins this month as the United Nations launches a new 15-year plan to fight grinding world poverty, improve health and education and quell climate change."
As the 10th anniversary of the Hurricane Katrina catastrophe approaches, many news media are doing stories that try to make sense of it. For journalists, it's an inexhaustible subject because it's about people's lives and the moral perils of the governments we choose. It's about the looming catastrophes we deny.
"Residents of Southside Syracuse put up a fierce, well-organized fight to stop construction of a sewage plant and still lost".
"Florida has more private property at risk from flooding linked to climate change than any other state, an amount that could double in the next four decades, according to a new report by the Risky Business Project."
"The state is grappling with the growing phenomenon of the 'urban wildfire.' That's when blazes that ignite in forests spread rapidly into recently built subdivisions and whole towns."
"TAPPAHANNOCK, Va. — The emerald tree canopy on this town’s scenic high cliffs is something of a luxury community for bald eagles. There are gorgeous views of the Rappahannock River, nice fishing and tasty seafood. Best of all, it’s one of the top places in the Chesapeake Bay region to raise their young."