Energy & Fuel

"Revealed: Wealthy Western Countries Lead In Global Oil And Gas Expansion"

"A surge in new oil and gas exploration in 2024 threatens to unleash nearly 12bn tonnes of planet-heating emissions, with the world’s wealthiest countries – such as the US and the UK – leading a stampede of fossil fuel expansion in spite of their climate commitments, new data shared exclusively with the Guardian reveals."

Source: Guardian, 07/25/2024

"Like Carbon Dioxide, This Louisiana Task Force’s Work Is Deep Underground"

"A special legislative task force assigned with exploring the impacts of carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) in Louisiana still hasn’t submitted a report of its findings —  five months after it was due. And its chairman and the lawmaker who created the group won’t say why."

Source: Floodlight, 07/24/2024

‘Dark Oxygen’ In Pacific Depths Could Force Rethink About Origins Of Life

"In the total darkness of the depths of the Pacific Ocean, scientists have discovered oxygen being produced not by living organisms but by strange potato-shaped metallic lumps that give off almost as much electricity as AA batteries."

Source: AFP, 07/24/2024


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