Energy & Fuel

Keystone Pipeline Spill Hardens Landowner Opposition To Expansion Bid

"A big oil spill from the Keystone Pipeline in North Dakota last week has hardened opposition to the controversial Keystone XL expansion among landowners along its route, who say they hope to use the incident to help block or stall the project in court."

Source: Reuters, 11/07/2019

"NASA Flew Gas Detectors Above California, Found ‘Super Emitters’"

"Over the course of three years, NASA flew a plane carrying gas-imaging equipment above California and made a discovery that surprised even the state’s own environmental agencies: A handful of operations are responsible for the vast majority of methane emissions."

Source: Bloomberg, 11/07/2019

Trump Wanted An Arctic Refuge Lease Sale This Year. He's Out Of Time

"Top Trump administration officials have said that they plan to hold an oil and gas lease sale in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge before the end of the year. But that goal now appears out of reach because of two procedural steps still necessary before a sale can take place."

Source: Alaska's Energy Desk , 11/04/2019


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