Energy & Fuel

"UARG Casts Long Legal Shadow On Air Regulations"

"In 40 years of behind-the-scenes advocacy for electric companies, the Utility Air Regulatory Group became ubiquitous in legal dockets and courtroom fights over the future of federal regulation. The group, which last week announced plans to disband, led the charge against dozens of EPA policies deemed too costly or unworkable by industry."

Source: Greenwire, 05/20/2019

Bankruptcy Docs Show Major Coal Company Funded Climate Change Denialism

"The bankruptcy of one of the largest domestic coal producers in the country has revealed that the company maintains financial ties to many of the leading groups that have sowed doubt over the human causes of global warming."

Source: The Intercept, 05/20/2019

Inslee Unveils $9T Climate Jobs Plan To Cut Emissions, Boost Unions

"Jay Inslee released a sweeping $9 trillion economic plan Thursday to create 8 million jobs, revitalize the labor movement and rapidly cut planet-warming gases, propelling the Washington governor far out ahead on the Green New Deal at least nine of his rival 2020 presidential candidates vowed to enact."

Source: HuffPost, 05/17/2019

New York Rejects Pipeline in Fierce Battle Over State’s Energy Future

"In a major victory for environmental activists, New York regulators on Wednesday rejected the construction of a heavily disputed, nearly $1 billion natural gas pipeline, even as business leaders and energy companies warned that the decision could devastate the state’s economy and bring a gas moratorium to New York City and Long Island."

Source: NY Times, 05/16/2019


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