Energy & Fuel

"Groups Seek Stronger Safeguards In Illinois Coal Ash Rules"

"The Vermilion Middle Fork is a swift-flowing river winding through lush forests, rolling prairie and craggy cliffs in central Illinois. Designated as one of the country’s “National Scenic Rivers,” it is subject to federal and state protections, popular with paddlers and home to wildlife including 24 endangered or threatened species. But the river’s banks butt up against three massive pits filled with toxic coal ash produced over five decades by the Vermilion coal-fired power plant... ."

Source: Midwest Energy News, 06/08/2016

"Natural Gas: Explosive LNG Issues Grab PHMSA's Attention"

"At DOT's headquarters in Washington, D.C., the agency's Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) hosted an in-depth discussion of what went wrong during a March 2014 explosion at an LNG facility in Plymouth, Wash., that led to five injuries and $72 million in property damage."

Source: EnergyWire, 06/08/2016

The Grid: "Getting Western States To Agree On Sharing Renewable Energy"

"In California, there is so much solar energy that grid operators have to switch off solar farms. One solution of dealing with the additional power generated is to share the renewable wealth across state borders – but in the West, it's sparking some not-so-neighborly opposition."

Source: NPR, 06/08/2016

"Oregon Oil-Train Crash Damaged Town's Water And Sewer Systems"

"An oil-train derailment and fire has damaged essential city services in a small Oregon town, authorities said Sunday. The Mosier waste water treatment plant and sewer system are not operational as a result of the derailment Friday of 16 of the 96 tank cars on a Union Pacific train. A fire in four of the cars was extinguished Saturday morning."

Source: AP, 06/06/2016

"Coal Ash Cleanup At Grainger Site Results In Cleaner Groundwater"

"COLUMBIA, SC --  Since a power company began digging up coal ash from a leaking waste pond west of Myrtle Beach, arsenic levels have dropped dramatically in groundwater, according to an environmental group that pushed to have the ash removed."

Source: Columbia State, 06/03/2016


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