Environmental Health

Republicans Mobilize For Showdown To Block Biden Infrastructure Plan

"A defining political clash took shape Sunday over Joe Biden's latest effort to reshape the US economy, with Republicans mobilizing against a massive infrastructure plan that could put the President in historic Democratic company."

Source: CNN, 04/08/2021

Groups Petition EPA To Remove Ethane, Methane From Emissions Exempt List

"Hundreds of environmental groups on Tuesday submitted a petition calling on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to take action to curtail ethane and methane emissions responsible for smog."

Source: The Hill, 04/07/2021

Replacing the Nation’s Lead Lines Begins With Locating Them

One especially ambitious element of the Biden infrastructure plan would swap out millions of lead pipes. It’s a massive, costly endeavor, but could remove from the country’s water supply a neurotoxin that harms human health, especially of kids and the poor. TipSheet looks at the new plan and offers ideas for reporting the story in your area.

SEJ Publication Types: 
April 26, 2021

DEADLINE: VLS / ASPCA Animal Law Media Fellowship

This new, paid fellowship at Vermont Law School's Environmental Law Center, Jul 12-22, 2021, is open to journalists who cover issues related to agriculture, factory farming and/or animal welfare, and related environmental/public health risks. Apply by Apr 26.

April 20, 2021 to April 23, 2021

Environment (Re)Defined

The Pulitzer Center's free virtual conference seeks to elevate underreported environmental issues by delving deeply into Pulitzer Center reporting projects, examining emerging trends in journalism and highlighting innovative approaches to collaboration. Select only the sessions you want to join.



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