Environmental Health

"EPA Science Adviser Defends Comment On Dirty Air Helping Kids"

"Robert Phalen, an air pollution researcher just named to a key U.S. EPA advisory committee, is defending earlier comments that the air can be 'a little too clean' for children's health as grounded in the broader field of pulmonary medicine."

Source: Greenwire, 11/07/2017

"Trump Coal Backer Wins Big Under Perry's Power Plan"

"A proposal by Energy Secretary Rick Perry to alter the nation's electricity markets would provide a windfall for a small group of companies — most strikingly one owned by coal magnate Bob Murray, a prominent backer of President Donald Trump."

Source: Politico, 11/06/2017

"DOE: Coal Rule Might Help Client Of Ex-Lobbyist Who Crafted It"

"The official who's leading the charge for the Trump administration's effort to subsidize coal plants is a longtime lobbyist who represented a troubled Ohio utility that stands to directly benefit from the proposed change."

Source: ClimateWire, 11/06/2017

"EPA: New Adviser Suggested Clean Air's 'Not Good For The Children'"

"A newly appointed member to a top U.S. EPA advisory panel suggested in 2012 that children need exposure to contaminated air to help their lungs ward off pollutants, according to a profile by a leading scientific organization."

Source: Greenwire, 11/06/2017


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