Environmental Health

U.N. Fears More Cholera In Haiti After Storm; Protests Slowing Relief

"The scale of a cholera outbreak in Haiti after Hurricane Matthew may be underreported because remote areas are cut off, a United Nations official in charge of controlling the disease said on Tuesday, adding protests over slow aid made the problem worse."

Source: Reuters, 10/19/2016

Cleveland Water Company Says 45 Percent of Service Pipes Contain Lead

"CLEVELAND, Ohio – Almost 45 percent of the service pipes Cleveland Water is responsible for, the ones that carry drinking, cooking and bathing water to customers across Northeast Ohio are likely to contain lead.

But what does that mean?

Concern about the toxin has been on the rise across the the country, though its danger to young children and pregnant women have long been known."

Source: Cleveland Plain Dealer, 10/12/2016


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