Environmental Health

"SBA Office Worked To Block Federal Regulations on Businesses"

"An independent office within the Small Business Administration has worked to block health, safety and environmental regulations on behalf of small and large businesses without appropriate technical expertise, two new studies have charged."

Source: Government Executive, 01/30/2013
January 28, 2013

Fishing for Families: Reporting on Population, Environment, and Food Security in the Philippines

In the PBS NewsHour/Marketplace co-production “Food for Nine Billion: Turning the Population Tide in the Philippines,” reporter Sam Eaton of Homeland Productions visits the Philippines’ Danajon double barrier reef to document efforts to increase food security by protecting marine biodiversity and providing family planning to the communities that depend on fish for their survival. Eco-Business Assistant Editor Imelda Abano, president of the Philippine Network of Environmental Journalists and board member of the Society of Environmental Journalists, will discuss the challenges of reporting on the interconnections between environment, health, and food security in her country. Live in Washington, DC, or via webcast.


"Chemicals That Promote Obesity Down the Generations"

"Diet and exercise are seen as the key factors that cause obesity, but new research suggests that certain chemicals called obesogens contribute to the global weight problem. Bruce Blumberg, professor of developmental and cell biology at the University of California at Irvine tells host Steve Curwood that the effects of an obesogenic chemical he studied seem to persist for several generations."

Source: Living on Earth, 01/21/2013

Wyo. Gov. Mead Disappointed By New EPA Pavillion Extension

"CHEYENNE, Wyo. -- Gov. Matt Mead has joined those expressing disappointment that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has extended for a third time a public comment period on a report on groundwater pollution in a Wyoming gas field rather than moving toward wrapping up the study."

Source: AP, 01/17/2013


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