Environmental Justice

"EPA Acts To Curb Air, Water Pollution In Poor Communities"

"The Environmental Protection Agency announced a series of enforcement actions Wednesday to address air pollution, unsafe drinking water and other problems afflicting minority communities in three Gulf Coast states, following a “Journey to Justice” tour by Administrator Michael Regan last fall."

Source: AP, 01/27/2022

"High Court Drops ‘Earthquake’ on Federal Water Protections"

"The U.S. Supreme Court is likely to deal federal wetland and waterway safeguards a near-fatal blow by hearing arguments to limit the scope of the EPA’s power under the Clean Water Act, attorneys say."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 01/25/2022

Curso de Intercambio Virtual Fomenta la "Competencia Global" Para Estudiantes de Periodismo

Cuando los programas de intercambio para estudiantes de periodismo fueron cancelados a causa del COVID 19, el personal docente de dos importantes universidades – una en Estados Unidos y otra en Colombia- recurrió a su creatividad, mediante la construcción de un escenario de intercambio virtual colaborativo sobre asuntos medioambientales de preocupación para ambos países. La EJ Academy explica el funcionamiento de dicho intercambio y augura programas similares en el futuro.

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Virtual Exchange Course Fosters “Global Competency” for Student Journalists

When COVID-19 shut down plans for journalism study abroad, faculty at two prominent universities — one in the United States and the other in Colombia — got creative, building out a collaborative virtual exchange focused on environmental concerns in the two countries. The latest EJ Academy explains how the virtual exchange worked, and the promise of similar programs in the future.

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Old-Fashioned, Inefficient Light Bulbs Live On at U.S. Dollar Stores

"A Trump administration weakening of climate rules has kept incandescent bulbs on store shelves, and research shows they’re concentrated in shops serving poorer areas."

"For years, Deborah Turnerbought her light bulbs at one of the many dollar stores that serve her neighborhood in Columbus, Ohio.

Source: NYTimes, 01/24/2022

"US, Colorado Reach Proposed Settlement In 2015 Mine Spill"

"Colorado, the U.S. government and a gold mining company have agreed to resolve a longstanding dispute over who’s responsible for continuing cleanup at a Superfund site that was established after a massive 2015 spill of hazardous mine waste that fouled rivers with a sickly yellow sheen in three states and the Navajo Nation."

Source: AP, 01/24/2022

The Year Ahead Will Spark Abundant Environment News — Both Good and Bad

Even as the climate crisis countdown story continues, a wide range of environment and energy issues are on journalists’ watchlist for the year ahead, per an analysis from our “2022 Journalists’ Guide to Energy & Environment.” The overview looks at 13 key trends to track in 2022 and beyond — including infrastructure, pandemics, environmental justice, energy, chemicals, plastics and, of course, climate.

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"National Monument Proposed For Nevada Site Sacred To Tribes"

"A Nevada congresswoman and several elected and tribal officials announced support Friday for national monument designation over a broad area south of Las Vegas they say is biologically diverse and rich with Native American cultural significance."

Source: AP, 01/20/2022

"Tarnished Gold: Illegal Amazon Gold Seeps Into Supply Chains"

"To match the festive spirit of South America’s first Olympics, officials from Brazil, the host country for the 2016 games in Rio de Janeiro, boasted that the medals hung around the necks of athletes on the winners’ podium were also a victory for the environment: The gold was produced free of mercury and the silver recycled from thrown away X-ray plates and mirrors."

Source: AP, 01/17/2022


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