Environmental Justice

March 30, 2022

Worldwide Teach-In on Climate and Justice on March 30, 2022

The Worldwide Teach-In invites climate-concerned faculty, staff and students to join the project, with monthly events preceding the Mar 30 event. Register to get involved. For journalists, there are local, national and international stories to pursue from now until March 30.


"Glasgow Climate Summit At Risk Of Failure, U.N. Chief Warns"

"United Nations chief Antonio Guterres said a critical meeting on climate change later this year in Scotland is at risk of failure due to mistrust between developed and developing countries and a lack of ambitious goals among some emerging economies."

Source: Reuters, 09/17/2021
September 22, 2021

NYC Climate Week: Protecting 80% of the Amazonia by 2025

As the Amazon rainforest is in danger of flipping toward a savanna due to extractive activities, this webinar brings together Indigenous leaders with researchers from the Amazon Geo-Referenced Socio-Environmental Information Network to present evidence-based solutions and a global call to action. 2-3:30 p.m ET.


"90% Of Global Farm Subsidies Damage People And Planet, Says UN"

"Almost 90% of the $540bn in global subsidies given to farmers every year are “harmful”, a startling UN report has found. This agricultural support damages people’s health, fuels the climate crisis, destroys nature and drives inequality by excluding smallholder farmers, many of whom are women, according to the UN agencies."

Source: Guardian, 09/16/2021

"Democrats Advance Climate Bill As Advocates Gird For A Fight"

"The House Energy and Commerce Committee passed a historic suite of climate and environmental policies in a marathon two-day markup, kicking off a pressure campaign as Democrats look to move quickly on their $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation package."

Source: E&E News, 09/16/2021


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