Environmental Politics

"Senate Move to Reverse Mercury Rule Fails"

"A Senate resolution seeking to reverse federal regulations limiting emissions of mercury and other toxic substances from coal-burning power plants failed to win passage on Wednesday. The resolution, introduced by Senator James M. Inhofe, an Oklahoma Republican, won support from 46 senators; 53 voted against it."

Source: Green/NYT, 06/21/2012

SEJ Member Spotlight: Terri Hansen

Terri Hansen, a member of the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska and correspondent for This Week from Indian Country, has been reporting on environmental issues since 1992. Her focus areas are the impacts of toxics on human health, environmental justice in the Native American community, and Indigenous Peoples worldwide.


"Shell Faces Pushback As Alaska Drilling Nears"

"The federal government could soon give the final go-ahead for Royal Dutch Shell to begin drilling for oil in the Arctic Ocean. Shell has spent $4 billion since 2007 to prepare for this work, and is hoping to tap into vast new deposits of oil."

"But the plan to drill exploratory wells is controversial — opposed by environmental groups and some indigenous people as well.

Source: NPR, 06/20/2012


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