Environmental Politics

"White House Threatens To Veto Energy Spending Bill"

"The White House [Thursday] night issued a veto threat to a pending House spending bill to fund the Department of Energy, the Army Corps of Engineers and other agencies, citing cuts to clean energy promotion and other DOE priorities and 'policy riders' that would reopen the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste depository, undo federal building efficiency requirements and block guidance on the Clean Water Act."

Source: E&E Daily, 06/04/2012
June 11, 2012

Free Webinar on Rio+20 Summit : A Primer on U.S. Issues Designed for Reporters in Advance of a Critical International Environmental Event

Join this hour-long webinar with speakers John C. Dernbach, co-director of the Widener Environmental Law Center and author, ELI's Carl Bruch, and Jacob Scherr, NRDC, for story ideas, helpful background, trend alerts, source building, and their take on what will be the hot topics at the upcoming summit. The hour will include 30 minutes for journalist questions.

June 3, 2012 to June 6, 2012

The Coastal Society's 23rd International Conference

Special focus at this conference in Miami will be on the impacts the Panama Canal expansion will have on coastal environments near Florida’s deep-water ports. Connect with the experts and acquire fact-based background at one of the longest running series of coastal conferences in the U.S.


"Can Environmentalists Learn To Love a Texas Coal Plant?"

"A planned carbon capture and storage plant in West Texas is being billed as the “cleanest coal plant in the world.” But can the $3 billion project help move the global power industry toward the elusive goal of low-carbon electricity, or is it just another way of perpetuating fossil fuels?"

Source: YaleE360, 06/01/2012


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