Environmental Politics

Enviro Groups To Launch 2012 Endorsement 9 am ET Wed

Four major environmental groups hold a press teleconference at 9 am EST Wednesday, April 18, to announce their endorsement for the 2012 election. Politico reports that they will endorse President Obama for re-election. This unusually early engagement comes despite some major disappointments for green groups in White House regulatory decisions. This advisory gives complete dial-in details for this press-only event.

Topics on the Beat: 

"Burnam: 'Top Secret' Documents Show Risks of Radioactive Waste Dump"

"With a manila envelope labeled 'TOP SECRET' propped up in front of him, state Rep. Lon Burnam, a Fort Worth Democrat, called on the Texas Attorney General to allow the public release of confidential information related to a West Texas radioactive waste dump owned by Dallas billionaire Harold Simmons."

Source: Texas Observer, 04/17/2012

"Transocean Seeks To Block CSB Oil-Spill Probe"

"Myriad agencies have investigated BP's Gulf of Mexico oil spill, but the owner of the rig that exploded and sank wants to draw the line at the one designated by Congress to probe disasters involving deadly chemical blasts and releases."

T"he U.S. Chemical Safety Board, which investigates chemical explosions in the same manner the National Transportation Safety Board investigates airplane crashes, launched its first offshore investigation shortly after the 2010 explosion killed 11 workers and allowed more than 4 million barrels of crude to foul the gulf.

Source: Reuters, 04/12/2012


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