Environmental Politics

"Texas Pollution Feud Will Continue, Despite Armendariz's Resignation"

The resignation of EPA Region 6 Administrator Al Armendariz has not resolved much. Conflicts over oil-industry pollution and whether laws against it should be enforced remain intense in parts of Texas where people are making money from the pollution while others fear they are being made sick by it.

Gabriel Nelson reports for Greenwire May 1, 2012.

Source: Greenwire, 05/02/2012

"Activists Urge Discovery To Acknowledge Climate Change Science"

"Forecast the Facts, the activist group that first confronted GM about its support of climate change doubters the Heartland Institute, now plans to muster a public campaign targeting the Discovery Channel. The purpose: to get Discovery to acknowledge the scientific consensus on man-made climate change in its programming."

Source: LA Times, 04/26/2012


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