Environmental Politics

April 5, 2011

SEJ Toronto Pub Night

Journalists are invited to join Toronto-area SEJ members at our monthly pub night. In April, our guest will be Jim Stanford, economist with the CAW and author of Economics for Everyone.


"LePage Motives on BPA Policy, Mills Firing Questioned"

"As [Maine] Gov. Paul LePage continued to weather national fallout for recently saying women could develop 'little beards' if exposed to bisphenol-A, or BPA, questions continue to mount about the motives behind the governor's proposal to reverse a ban on the substance."

Source: Lewiston Sun Journal, 02/25/2011

Enviros: Fla. Gov. Scott's Pick To Head DEP Has Conflict of Interest

"A pair of environmental groups are complaining to federal officials that the shipyard executive Gov. Rick Scott picked to lead the Department of Environment Protection cannot oversee a program that regulates how much industrial pollution can be dumped into the state’s waters. The reason: Herschel Vinyard’s previous employer, a Jacksonville shipyard, held just such a pollution permit."

Source: St. Petersburg Times, 02/25/2011

Maine Gov on BPA: 'Worst Case Is Some Women May Have Little Beards'

The debate in Maine and the US at large over BPA, an estrogen-disrupting chemical common in plastics, may be shaped by a comment of Maine's newly elected, Tea Party-backed GOP governor, Paul LePage. "The worst case is some women may have little beards," he said.

Source: Bangor Daily News, 02/24/2011


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