Environmental Politics

"Montanans Protest Republican Assault On Workers, Environment"

"Protests against union-busting state bills and cuts to state programs are spreading from Wisconsin across the country today. In Montana, the environment is front and center as protesters challenge Governor Brian Schweitzer, a Democrat, on his budgetary plans, which they say cut health, nvironmental, and labor programs to pay for corporate tax cuts."

Source: ENS, 02/23/2011

BP Reneges on Deal To Rebuild Oyster Beds, Wetlands, La. Officials Say

"BP has reneged on promises made in November to negotiate early payments to Louisiana to help rebuild oyster beds, repair damaged wetlands and build a fish hatchery to allow the state to respond immediately to the collapse of commercial fisheries in the wake of the BP Gulf oil spill, state officials said Monday."

Source: New Orelans Times-Picayune, 02/22/2011


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