Environmental Politics

"Report Outlines Climate Change Options for Obama Administration"

"The United States will struggle to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to promised levels by 2020, a report from a prominent think tank warned this week, but the federal government, states and industry already have the means at their disposal to achieve such goals."

Source: McClatchy, 02/07/2013

"Obama Nominates REI Chief Executive as Interior Secretary"

"When colleagues want to conduct business with Sally Jewell, they have a better chance getting her to schedule a lengthy hike than a coffee date. President Obama’s unconventional pick to lead the Interior Department -- a former oil engineer and commercial banker who heads the consumer co-op Recreational Equipment Inc. (REI) -- represents an effort by the administration to defuse the partisan fight over conservation and energy."

Source: Wash Post, 02/07/2013

Rendell Intervened For Fracking Company to Stop EPA Contamination Case

"A breaking investigation by EnergyWire appears to connect the dots between shadowy lobbying efforts by shale gas fracking company Range Resources, and the Obama EPA's decision to shut down its high-profile lawsuit against Range for allegedly contaminating groundwater in Weatherford, TX."

Source: DeSmogBlog, 02/06/2013

Weather Service Firing Official Who Hit Budget Cuts in Post Interview

"The National Weather Service moved to fire one of its top managers Friday, four days after he was quoted in an article in The Washington Post lamenting that budget cuts and the threat of further reductions in March were forcing him to pare back a public safety service."

Source: Wash Post, 02/05/2013

"Arizona Mining Project Wins Crucial Permit"

"A Canadian mining company has come one step closer to building a mile-wide, half-mile-deep open-pit copper mine on public land 30 miles south of Tucson. On Thursday, Arizona’s Department of Environmental Quality granted Rosemont Copper, a subsidiary of Augusta Resource of Vancouver, a crucial air quality permit, saying emissions from the proposed mine would not violate federal standards for carbon monoxide, nitrogen and sulfur dioxide, or fine and large particles."

Source: Green/NYT, 02/05/2013

"White House, Key Congress Members Still Committed To Arctic Drilling"

"WASHINGTON -- Critics want a halt to offshore Arctic drilling in the wake of Shell's latest mishap in the waters off Alaska but there's no sign the Obama administration and key members of Congress are backing off their support for drilling in the sensitive region."

Source: Anchorage Daily News, 02/04/2013


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