Environmental Politics

"Democratic Senators Pass Torch to EPA on Climate Change"

President Obama's vow to address climate change in his second Inaugural Address January 21 could actually prove more than bold words. Despite the failure of the 111th and 112th Congresses to pass a cap-and-trade bill or any other major climate change legislation, Obama clearly has the power to limit greenhouse gas emissions himself, using his Supreme Court-tested executive authority under the Clean Air Act and other powers. Key Congressional Democrats are urging him on.

Source: National Journal, 01/23/2013

Climate Change Inaction the Fault of Environmental Groups, Report Says

"A Harvard academic has put the blame squarely for America's failure to act on climate change on environmental groups. She also argues that there is little prospect Barack Obama will put climate change on the top of his agenda in his second term."

Source: Guardian, 01/22/2013

"Climate Change Given Prominence in Obama's Address"

"President Obama made addressing climate change the most prominent policy vow of his second Inaugural Address on Monday, setting in motion what Democrats say will be a deliberately paced but aggressive campaign built around the use of his executive powers to sidestep Congressional opposition."

Source: NY Times, 01/22/2013

730-mile Oil Pipeline Threatens Land of Canada's First Nations

"Of all the Idle No More protests that sprung up on Wednesday's national day of action across Canada, what may have worried the conservative government of Stephen Harper the most was a gathering of aboriginal young men banging tribal drums outside a hotel in downtown Vancouver."

Source: Independent, 01/21/2013

Wyo. Gov. Mead Disappointed By New EPA Pavillion Extension

"CHEYENNE, Wyo. -- Gov. Matt Mead has joined those expressing disappointment that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has extended for a third time a public comment period on a report on groundwater pollution in a Wyoming gas field rather than moving toward wrapping up the study."

Source: AP, 01/17/2013


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